Year: 2014
Eisenberg Lab: Medical Team performs auditory brainstem implant surgery on child.
A Los Angeles team of scientists and surgeons from Keck Medicine of USC, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and Huntington Medical Research Institutes (HMRI) reported that sound registered in the brain of a deaf Canadian boyfor the first time after doctors activated a hearing device that had been surgically implanted in his brainstem. Auguste Majkowski, 3,…Continue Reading Eisenberg Lab: Medical Team performs auditory brainstem implant surgery on child.
Newly established USC-Taiwan Center for Translational Research
USC-Taiwan center for translational research Center supported by Trustee Daniel Tsai. Founding Director: Dr. Jean Chen Shih. The USC School of Pharmacy has established of a center for translational research that will take advantage of our internationally-recognized research and facilities to develop a strategic relationship with Taiwan involving exchange of trainees, research and experience. The focus…Continue Reading Newly established USC-Taiwan Center for Translational Research