Illustration showing how white matter fiber tracts are distorted in the presence of intracerebral hemorrhage. (Van Horn Lab) …Continue Reading Illustration showing how white matter fiber tracts are distorted in the presence of intracerebral hemorrhage. (Van Horn Lab)
Illustration of various tissue types of the human head and brain including skin, skull, grey matter, white matter, in addition to hemorrhage and edema associated with traumatic brain injury. (Van Horn Lab) …Continue Reading Illustration of various tissue types of the human head and brain including skin, skull, grey matter, white matter, in addition to hemorrhage and edema associated with traumatic brain injury. (Van Horn Lab)
Transgene labeling of brainstem autonomic neurons on the fetal mouse. (Levitt Lab) …Continue Reading Transgene labeling of brainstem autonomic neurons on the fetal mouse. (Levitt Lab)
Localization of synaptogenesis transcripts in developing neurons. (Levitt Lab) …Continue Reading Localization of synaptogenesis transcripts in developing neurons. (Levitt Lab)