Sarah W. Bottjer
- Learning & Memory
- Systems Neuroscience
- Cortex-Basal Ganglia
Dion Kai Dickman
- Synapse development, function, and plasticity in Drosophila
Scott E. Kanoski
- Food intake and body weight regulation
- Learning and memory
- Neuroendocrinology
- Neuroanatomy and circuits
- Cognitive Impairment / Alzheimer’s
Lauren McElvain
- Cellular and circuit mechanisms of movement
- Synaptic and cellular physiology
- Neural circuit connectivity maps
- Circuit mechanisms of movement disorders
David McKemy
Jeffrey Moore
- motor control
- active sensing
- neural circuits
Lindsey Schier
- Gut-brain axis, neural-metabolic interactions, gustatory system, chemical senses, dietary learning and memory
Huizhong W. Tao
- Cellular neurobiology
- Developmental neurobiology
- Sensory neurobiology
- Central visual processing
Li I Zhang
- Synaptic circuitry mechanisms for sensory information processing
- Technical innovations for tracing brain circuits
- Neural circuits for innate behavior
- Synaptic and cellular basis for development and plasticity of neural circuitry
- Neural circuitry basis for sensory processing disorders
Berislav V. Zlokovic, MD, PhD
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Ischemia and Stroke
- Activated Protein C System
- Amytrophic lateral sclerosis
- Blood-Brain Barrier
- Cerebral microcirculation and regulation of cerebral blood flow