- Cellular Neurobiology
- Membranes & Transport
- Drosophila models for Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease
- Mechanisms regulating synaptic vesicle endocytosis
- Mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity
- Mechanisms of mitochondrial trafficking
- Mitochondrial dynamics in neurological disorders
- Signal transduction
- Photoreceptor function
- Retinal degeneration
- Retinal circuitry
- Synapse development, function, and plasticity in Drosophila
- Structural biology
- G protein coupled receptors
- Neurotransmitter transporters
- Cellular signaling assays
- Single molecule FRET
- Animal models of Parkinson’s disease
- Molecular mechanisms of exercise-induced neuroplasticity in the basal ganglia
- Interactions between dopamine and glutamate within the basal ganglia and their role in control of motor behavior
- Development of new therapeutic modalities for Parkinson’s disease
- cochlear mechanics, acoustics, nonlinear wave phenomena
- otoacoustic emissions and noninvasive testing of cochlear function
- sensory transduction in the auditory and vestibular periphery
- biophysics of sensory neurons
- Food intake and body weight regulation
- Learning and memory
- Neuroendocrinology
- Neuroanatomy and circuits
- Cognitive Impairment / Alzheimer’s
- Metabolism
- Mitochondrial biology
- Cellular homeostasis and stress response
- Ion channel biophysics
- Sensory biology
- Pain and taste transduction
- Cellular and circuit mechanisms of movement
- Synaptic and cellular physiology
- Neural circuit connectivity maps
- Circuit mechanisms of movement disorders
- Gut-brain axis, neural-metabolic interactions, gustatory system, chemical senses, dietary learning and memory