- Cellular Neurobiology
- Membranes & Transport
- Drosophila models for Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease
- Mechanisms regulating synaptic vesicle endocytosis
- Mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity
- Mechanisms of mitochondrial trafficking
- Mitochondrial dynamics in neurological disorders
- Signal transduction
- Photoreceptor function
- Retinal degeneration
- Retinal circuitry
- Synapse development, function, and plasticity in Drosophila
- Synaptic function
- Synaptic plasticity
- Neuropsychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Electrical stimulation of the retina
- Retinal prosthesis
- Retinal disease
- Instrumentation for vitreoretinal surgery
- Animal models of Parkinson’s disease
- Molecular mechanisms of exercise-induced neuroplasticity in the basal ganglia
- Interactions between dopamine and glutamate within the basal ganglia and their role in control of motor behavior
- Development of new therapeutic modalities for Parkinson’s disease
- cochlear mechanics, acoustics, nonlinear wave phenomena
- otoacoustic emissions and noninvasive testing of cochlear function
- sensory transduction in the auditory and vestibular periphery
- biophysics of sensory neurons
- Synaptic structure, function, formation, repair, and maintenance
- Synapse-glia interactions at the neuromuscular junction
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms of the pathogenesis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
- Development of Neuronal Diversity, Neural Circuitry and Synapses in Neocortical and Brainstem Autonomic Networks
- Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms of Social-Emotional Behavior
- Gene regulatory networks
- Clinical studies of children with ASD and medical co-morbidities
- Impact of early adverse experience on brain development and behavior
- Translating neuroscience of early brain and child development for public policy changes
- Cellular and circuit mechanisms of movement
- Synaptic and cellular physiology
- Neural circuit connectivity maps
- Circuit mechanisms of movement disorders
- Using computer models to study brain function at single cell and systems levels
- Role of active dendritic processing in the sensory and memory-related functions of pyramidal neurons
- Neuromorphic models of visual cortex; neurally-inspired approaches to image processing problems
- Synaptogenesis
- Neural circuit formation
- Retinal development
- 3-dimensional retinal organoids
- Inherited retinal diseases
- Cellular neurobiology
- Developmental neurobiology
- Sensory neurobiology
- Central visual processing
- Synaptic circuitry mechanisms for sensory information processing
- Technical innovations for tracing brain circuits
- Neural circuits for innate behavior
- Synaptic and cellular basis for development and plasticity of neural circuitry
- Neural circuitry basis for sensory processing disorders