September 6, 2000
“Synapse Assembly and Glutamate Receptor Targeting in Hippocampal Neurons”
Ann Marie Craig (Washington University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)
September 20, 2000
“Time and Odor Codes”
Gilles Laurent (Caltech) Host: Emily Liman (NB)
October 4, 2000
“Functional MRI of Language Processing”
Susan Bookheimer (UCLA) Host: NGP Graduate Students (NS)
October 6, 2000: FRIDAY at Davidson Center, 9am to 5pm
8th Annual USC Neuroscience Symposium
October 17, 2000: Special Tuesday Seminar, 4pm
“Organization of the Primate Basal Ganglia”
Andre Parent (University Laval, Canada) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)
October 18, 2000
“fMRI and TMS Studies of Initiation and Action Observation in Humans”
Marco Iacoboni (UCLA) Host: Michael Arbib (NS)
November 1, 2000
“Neuroprotective Actions of Estrogen and Testosterone and Their Relevance to Alzheimer’s Disease”
Christian Pike (USC) Host: Caleb Finch (NS)
November 15, 2000
“Differential Neuromodulation of Learning and Anxiety by CRF Receptor 2”
Joachim Spiess (Max Planck) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)
November 29, 2000
“A Genetic View of Neurotransmitter Phenotype”
Paul Salvaterra (City of Hope) Host: Lou Byerly (NB)
December 6, 2000
“The Many Faces of the Myelin Basic Protein Gene in Neural Development”
Tony Campagnoni (UCLA) Host: Larry Swanson (NB)