January 10, 2001
“Evolutionarily Labile Patterning of Behavioral, Brain, and Gonadal Sex”
Andrew H. Bass (Cornell University) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NB)
January 12, 2001: SPECIAL SEMINAR FRIDAY, 2pm
“Mechanisms of Intracellular Amyloid-Mediated Cell Death in Alzheimer’s Disease”
Austin Yang — Candidate for faculty position in Pharmacy (NYU) Host: Michel Baudry (NS)
February 1, 2001
“Toward a Molecular Flowchart of Central Synaptic Plasticity”
Robert Malinow (Cold Spring Harbor) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)
February 14, 2001
“The Nature of Maps in the Brain: Lessons From the Visual Cortex”
Michael Stryker (UCSF) Host: Michael Arbib (NB)
February 21, 2001
“Imaging the Motions and Lineages that Pattern the Developing Nervous System”
Scott Fraser (Caltech) Host: Don Arnold (NB)
March 7, 2001
“NMDA Recptor Signaling Complexes: Role of Ion Channel-Associated Proteins in Synaptic Plasticity”
Tom O’Dell (UCLA) Host: Sarah Bottjer (NS)
March 21, 2001
“Signal Transduction at the Postsynaptic Density”
Mary Kennedy (Caltech) Host: Don Arnold (NB)
April 4, 2001
“Craniofacial Neuromuscular Alterations in the Krox-20 Null Mutant”
Jack Turman (USC) Host: Alan Watts (NS)
April 18, 2001
“Evolution of Alzheimer’s Disease”
Caleb Finch (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)
May 2, 2001
“Targeting Newly Synthesized mRNAs to Synapses”
Oswald Steward (UC, Irvine) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)