January 9, 2002: Sixth USC History of Neuroscience Lecture
“The Search for Cerebral Individuality: the Origins of Comparative and Quantitative Neurobiology”
Lawrence Kruger (UCLA & The Getty Center) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)
January 23, 2002
“mRNA Trafficking and Protein Synthesis at the Synapse”
Erin Schuman (Caltech) Host: Michel Baudry (NB)
January 29, 2002: SPECIAL MINISYMPOSIUM, 3-5pm
“Sex Steroids, Cognition, and Aging: Progress on a P01”
Caleb Finch and Irina Rozovsky, Robbie Brinton and Ted Berger, Richard Thompson and Michael Foy, Michel Baudry, Christian Pike, David Lavond
February 6, 2002
“In Search of Memory Traces”
Richard Thompson (USC) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)
February 13, 2002
“Behavioral and Neuroimaging Studies of Developmental Dyslexia”
Frank Manis (USC) Host: Richard Thompson (NS)
February 20, 2002
“Pacemaking in Central Neurons Driven by TTX-Sensitive Sodium Channels”
Bruce Bean (Harvard University) Host: Emily Liman (NB)
March 6, 2002
“Multiple Memory Phases in Aplysia: A Cellular and Molecular Analysis”
Tom Carew (UC, Irvine) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)
March 20, 2002
“Insights into the Neuropathology of Schizophrenia”
Edward G. Jones (UCD) Host: NGP Graduate Student (NS)
April 3, 2002
“Genetic Studies of Memory in Mice”
Mark Mayford (UCSD) Host: Richard Thompson (NB)
April 10, 2002
“On the Role of Striatal-Hypothalamic Circuitry in the Control of Motivated Behavior”
Ann E. Kelley (University of Wisconsin) Host: Alan Watts (NB)
April 17, 2002
“Pioneer Longitudinal Axon Tract Formation in the Developing Brain”
Alfredo Varela-Echavarria (Neurobiology Center UNAM, Queretaro) Host: Larry Swanson (NS)
May 1, 2002
“The Architecture of Active Zone Materials: Role in Synaptic Transmission Revealed by EM Tomography”
Uel McMahan (Stanford University) Host: Chien-Ping Ko (NB)